A new perspective
on Sustainability

The Anna Lindh Haus with green spaces and sustainable architecture.
One building, so many possibilities: Anna Lindh Haus at a glance

70 %

less primary energy demand

Annual primary energy demand is around 70 % below that of the GEG reference building. Up to 20 % of the ultimate energy demand is covered by the in-house photo­voltaics system. Photo­voltaics, being a re­newable source of energy, contri­butes to reducing primary energy demand.

The inno­vative hybrid timber structure and the use of carbon-reduced concrete cut carbon emissions by around 30 % even during cons­truction. Adherence to strict cradle-to-cradle principles ensures the fully docu­mented usage and subsequent cycle of materials.

< 35

kWh/m²a ultimate energy

Energy effi­ciency of less than 35 kWh/m²a in ope­ra­tion is targeted through the high-quality building’s envelope and techno­logy. Compre­hen­sive digi­tali­sation of the Anna Lindh Haus enables the imple­mentation of an optimised energy concept, at the same time facili­tating the tenants’ and the lessor’s ESG reporting.

Complete electrification of the building – as one of the first office buildings in Berlin – and the use of heat pumps allow for carbon-neutral building operation.


The Anna Lindh Haus is a cutting-edge office building in accordance with the latest energy requirements. Focused on people, ecology and well-being.

A smart building offering added value for tenants as well as guests

Excep­tionally healthy working environ­ment and positive employee experience

Meets the highest EU standards for sus­tainable construction

Sus­tainably built, future-proof and resource-efficient